Monday, November 29, 2010

sibling love

At the store tonight Luke and Makenna were driving each other crazy, when I finally had enough I made them apologize and give each other a kiss on the lips.  (Okay...don't judge.  It's pretty much the only punishment that works for them).

Makenna rolled her eyes and tried protesting before realizing it was futile.  Luke just wiped his lips and got ready for his "punishment".

M-"this is so gross."
L- "I know, but we might as well get used to it, for when we get married."
M- (giggling) "we aren't even close to old enough to get married, and besides you can't marry your own sister.
L- (paused, obviously mulling this new idea over in his head) "Who am I supposed to marry, then?"

Ah, melts this mama's heart.  Just when I think there is no hope for these two to exit childhood mere acquaintances, let alone friends, I catch a peek into Luke's mind, that his love for his sister is strong and full.


  1. That's cute. I love his reasoning for just getting it over with too, so funny. There is hope!

  2. LOL! That's hilarious, and really cute =)
