Saturday, September 12, 2009

a day at the spa

I just got back from a relaxing day at the Spa. The Spa-de-Ken, that is. Makenna decided I need a makeover, and gave me a facial, back and leg massage, which was surprisingly AMAZING, and a manicure. Wow, who knew that an 8 year old could rock out a spa day in such an awesome way.

Here were the main takeaways I heard:
As each layer of eyeshadow went on, and there were seriously like 4 "Oh yeah...that looks great!"

As the blush was applied, "Mmmhmmm, you have a nice glow to you now"

And don't forget massive amounts of lip gloss. The colors that were chosen for me? Blue, purple, and green. The pretty pink lay there calling out to me, but was unfortunately ignored. Maybe next time, precious pink.

Thanks Makenna for being a rock star to your Mom!

Friday, September 11, 2009

fooled ya

I was at Costco today to grab a few things, and bribed Luke with the possibility of pizza if he was good. He made it, and enjoyed the fruits of his labor. As we were cleaning up our pizza mess a sweet older lady comes up to me and *gasp* tells me that my boys are so well behaved and that they must have an amazing mother. I inwardly laughed, thinking that I sure fooled her! But minded my manners and said "Thank You!"

This sweet lady didn't see our normal spilled water, thrown pizza, tears, and tantrums. But I am an amazing mother.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

eternity to go

Today at 10:00 a.m. marks 9 happy, crazy, blissful, years together as husband and wife.

Ben is the glue that keeps me together. Keeps me laughing when days are long and full of snot and poo. Keeps things in perspective when I want to give up. He makes my heart flop when he gives me a wink across the room. I want to be a better person because of the person he believes I can be.

I have loved every minute that we have spent together, Ben...thanks for being my glue, my love, my everything.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

baptism day

Makenna was baptized on Saturday and it was such an amazing day. We started with a BIG breakfast per Makenna's request. We had a lot of family traveling to Medford, so we invited them all over to share raspberry truffle pancakes, hash browns, eggs, and sausage with us.

Makenna slipped into her pretty white dress, and we headed to the church for her big day. More family and friends joined us as Makenna was baptized by her Dad, and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. While Makenna was changing back into her dress, we had our family and friends write a letter to Makenna that we plan on binding into a book. She was given lots of loving words and advice in those letters, what a treasure they will be for her to look back and use as a tool as she works her way through this life.

We love you, Makenna and are proud of the big choice you made to be baptized!

Makenna was so excited to be baptized by her dad.  These two are the sweetest
together.  Makenna looks up to Ben in the all the best ways, and wants to make him happy
all the time.  I'm so glad that she loves her Dad so much, and is able to have him be a part of 
her special day.  We love you Makenna!  Keep making such good choices, and keep letting your Mom and Dad be in your corner cheering you on!