Friday, April 16, 2010

conversations with a preschooler

On the way home from preschool today Luke and I had the following conversation:

L:  Did you ask my teacher how I was today?
M:  No, would you like me to ask you how you were in school today instead?
L:  Oh, yes!
M:  Okay.  Luke, how were you in school today?
L:  after a lengthy pause and a confused look..."Mom, that was kind of a dumb question.  I don't know how I was at school today, you have to ask my teacher."

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

for the love of jam

This is what Makenna and I have been up to...

It doesn't look like a lot of jam, but those containers look deceivingly small!  At least that's what I'll say to make myself feel better about how long it took to make all that jam.  It was one full afternoon of washing, stemming and mushing to make our beloved jam!  But in the end, it's always worth it.

Monday, April 12, 2010

the start of a love affair

Luke had his first t-ball practice tonight.  Well, parents meeting really, but it was at the Little League Fields, so he was all geared up for it!

So geared up in fact that he won't take off his uniform, so they became his jammies tonight.  And it's  complete with his cap on his head and his mitt next to him. Here's to t-ball and the many ball games ahead of us.