Wednesday, May 27, 2009

angel friends

Luke loves being sung to at night when we tuck him in. Song choice number one? Angel Friends. In fact he loves it so much that he is sure that Jared shares the same sentiment for it, and insists that I sing only that song to Jared when I tuck him in for naps or bedtime. If Luke is downstairs while I am taking Jared up for his nap, he will run to the bottom of the stairs, and yell up to me, "Mom, sing Jared Angel Friends!" Then he waits and listens to make sure I am making good on it. If I pause during my song and listen, I can hear Luke singing along downstairs. It's the best.

I can't get lazy and only sing one verse.  Luke will call me out on it, and keep me honest.  I love this tender hearted boy.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That is so sweet! What a great memory. Someday when your boys are older, they will sing that song to their children.

  3. No idea what Angel friends is! Where did it come from???

  4. Ben's Grandma used to sing it to him as a kid. I don't know where she learned it, but now we sing it to our kids.
