Saturday, September 12, 2009

a day at the spa

I just got back from a relaxing day at the Spa. The Spa-de-Ken, that is. Makenna decided I need a makeover, and gave me a facial, back and leg massage, which was surprisingly AMAZING, and a manicure. Wow, who knew that an 8 year old could rock out a spa day in such an awesome way.

Here were the main takeaways I heard:
As each layer of eyeshadow went on, and there were seriously like 4 "Oh yeah...that looks great!"

As the blush was applied, "Mmmhmmm, you have a nice glow to you now"

And don't forget massive amounts of lip gloss. The colors that were chosen for me? Blue, purple, and green. The pretty pink lay there calling out to me, but was unfortunately ignored. Maybe next time, precious pink.

Thanks Makenna for being a rock star to your Mom!


  1. Well aren't you the luckiest mom on earth!?!? And you look mah-velous too!

  2. I didn't know you got a spa day! How fun! And what a sweet girl to pamper her mama like that. I love the makeover lingo. I did notice that you had a nice glow the next day....

  3. Looking always. You have to get me the number of your girl. My kids prefer to make me look like a circus clown!
